
研究员,博士生导师,先后在香港城市大学和香港浸会大学担任研究助理和博士后工作,是中山大学和广东省疾控中心联合培养的博士后;是广西高校中青年骨干教师、中国生物数学会委员、美国数学评论员、国际期刊BMC Public Health和BMC Infectious Diseases编委,期刊华南预防医学编委,主持国家及省部级项目5项,发表SCI论文30余篇。研究方向为传染病动力学、卫生统计学,主要探索传染病的时空传播机理,疫情防控策略和风险评估,以及各类慢病的机理模型和影响因素分析。




1、国家自然科学基金项目,传染病反应扩散的多层次建模与动力学分析,2017-2020, 36万。

2、中国博士后科技基金项目,广东省寨卡病毒的输入风险和本地传播机制研究,2017-2018, 5万。

3、广西自然科学基金面上项目,两广地区登革热的时空传播机制和影响因素分析 ,2017-2020, 10万。

4、 广西自然科学基金青年项目,多层耦合网络的传播动力学研究,2014-2017, 5万。


6、广州市科技计划项目,禽流感H7N9防控措施的效果分析,2018-2020, 20万。

7、广西高校科学基金研究项目,复杂网络的动态结构对传染病动力学的影响,2013-2015, 6万。






[1] Z Li, J Zhao, Y Zhou, L Tian, Q Liu, H Zhu, G Zhu. Adaptive behaviors and vaccination on curbing COVID-19 transmission: Modeling simulations in eight countries. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2023, 559:111379.

[2] X Cai, J Zhao, HDeng, J Xiao, TLiu, W Zeng, X Li, J Hu, C Huang, G Zhu, W Ma. Effects of temperature, relative humidity, and illumination on the entomological parameters of Aedes albopictus: an experimental study. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2023, 67(4): 687-694.

[3] Y Zhou, Z Li, W Wu, J Xiao, W Ma, G Zhu. Transmission trends of the global COVID-19 pandemic with combined effects of adaptive behaviours and vaccination. Epidemiology & Infection. 2023, 151: e39.

[4] Tian L, Liang C, Huang X, Liu Z, Su J, Guo C, Zhu G, Sun J. Genomic epidemiology of dengue in Shantou, China, 2019. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023, 11:1035060.

[5] Li Z, Li XX, Chen Y, Ruan Q, Huang X, Zhu G, Sun J. Persistence of monkeypox virus DNA in clinical specimens. Journal of Infection. 2022, 85(6):702-769.

[6] G Zhu, Y Shi, Y Li, G Xiao, J Xiao, Q Liu. Model-based projection of Zika infection risk with temperature effect: A case study in Southeast Asia. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2022, 84(9): 92. 

[7] Q Jia, J Li, H Lin, F Tian, G Zhu. The spatiotemporal transmission dynamics of COVID-19 among multiple regions: a modeling study in Chinese provinces. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 107: 1313–1327.

[8] G Zhu, M Kang, X Wei, T Tang, TLiu, J Xiao, T Song, W Ma. Different intervention strategies toward live poultry markets against avian influenza A (H7N9) virus: Model-based assessment. Environmentaol Research, 2021, 198:110465.

[9] Z Zhang, L Kong, H Lin, G Zhu. Modeling coupling dynamics between the transmission, intervention of COVID-19 and economic development. Results in Physics. 2021, 28: 104632.

[10] Wei X, Wang L, Jia Q, G Zhu. Assessing different interventions against Avian Influenza A (H7N9) infection by an epidemiological model. One Health, 2021, 13: 100312.

[11] Lu J, Peng J, Fang L, Zeng L, Lin H, Xiong Q, Liu Z, Jiang H, Zhang C, Yi L, Song T, Ke C, Li C, Ke B, He G, Zhu G, He J, Sun L, Li H, Zheng H. Capturing noroviruses circulating in the population: sewage surveillance in Guangdong, China (2013-2018). Water Research. 2021,196: 116990. 

[12] Liu K, Ai S, Song S, Zhu G, Tian F, Li H, Gao Y, Wu Y, Zhang S, Shao Z, Liu Q, Lin H. Corrigendum to: Population Movement, City Closure in Wuhan, and Geographical Expansion of the COVID-19 Infection in China in January 2020. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2021, 73(11):2153. 

[13] Huang XH, Qian MB, Zhu GH, Fang YY, Hao YT, Lai YS. Assessment of control strategies against Clonorchis sinensis infection based on a multi-group dynamic transmission model. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2020, 14(3): e0008152. 

[14] G Zhu, S Chen, B Shi, H Qiu, S Xia. Dynamics of echinococcosis transmission among multiple species and a case study in Xinjiang, China, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019, 127, 103-109.

[15] G Zhu, T Liu, J Xiao, et al. Effects of human mobility, temperature and mosquito control on the spatiotemporal transmission of dengue. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651: 969-978.

[16] G Zhu, J Xiao, T Liu, B Zhang, Y Hao, W Ma. Spatiotemporal analysis of the dengue outbreak in Guangdong Province, China. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19, 2019: 493.

[17] Guanghu Zhu, Jianpeng Xiao, Bing Zhang, et al. The spatiotemporal transmission of dengue and its driving mechanism: A case study on the 2014 dengue outbreak in Guangdong, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018,622:252-259.

[18] Tao Liu, Guanghu Zhu, Jifeng He, et al. Early rigorous control interventions can largely reduce dengue outbreak magnitude: experience from Chaozhou, China. BMC Public Health, 2018, 18(1):90.

[19] Guanghu Zhu, Guanrong Chen, Xinchu Fu, Effects of active links on epidemic transmission over social networks. Physica A, 2017, 468:614-621.

[20] Zhihao Li, Tao Liu, Guanghu Zhu, et al. Dengue Baidu Search Index data can improve the prediction of local dengue epidemic: A case study in Guangzhou, China. Plos Neglect Tropical Diseases, 2017, 11(3):e0005354.

[21] Guanghu Zhu, Jiming Liu, Qi Tan, et al. Inferring the Spatio-temporal Patterns of Dengue Transmission from Surveillance Data in Guangzhou, China. Plos Neglect Tropical Diseases, 2016, 10: e0004633.

[22] Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu, Qinggan Tang, Kezan Li, Mean-field modeling approach for understanding epidemic dynamics in interconnected networks, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2015, 80:117-124.

[23] Guanghu Zhu, Guanrong Chen, Haifeng Zhang, Xinchu Fu , Propagation dynamics of an epidemic model with infective media connecting two separated networks of populations, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2015, 20:240-249.

[24] Guanghu Zhu, Guanrong Chen, Xin-Jian Xu, Xinchu Fu, Epidemic spreading on contact networks with adaptive weights, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2013, 317: 133-139.

[25] Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu, Guanrong Chen, Spreading dynamics and global stability of a generalized epidemic model on complex heterogeneous networks, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(12): 5808-5817.

[26] Guanghu Zhu, Xinchu Fu, Guanrong Chen, Global attractivity of a network-based epidemic SIS model with nonlinear infectivity, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2012, 17(6): 2588-2594.













