

Email: paulokuwobi@guet.edu.cn     QQ:804390887    






ü  2023年第二十五届中国机器人及人工智能大赛,荣获1个一等奖,1个二等奖,1个三等奖,且项目申请人获得了中国机器人及人工智能大赛优秀指导老师奖.



ü  2022年第二十四届中国机器人及人工智能大赛,荣获2个一等奖,1个二等奖,3个三等奖,1个优秀奖. 且项目申请人获得了中国机器人及人工智能大赛优秀指导老师奖.

ü  国际青年人工智能大赛,荣获1个一等奖,1个二等奖,2个三等奖,且项目申请人获得了国际青年人工智能大赛优秀指导老师奖.

ü  2022年第八届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛广西区赛,荣获1个三等奖.

ü  2022第三广西大学人工智能设计大赛,荣获1个一等奖, 1个二等奖, 2个三等,且项目申请人获得了广西大学人工智能设计大赛优秀指导老师奖.



ü  2021第二广西大学人工智能设计大赛,荣获1个一等奖 1个二等奖 4个三等,且项目申请人获得了广西大学人工智能设计大赛优秀指导老师奖.

ü  2021年第二十三届中国机器人及人工智能大赛,荣获1个二等奖1个三等奖.

ü  2021年中国工程机器人大赛暨国际公开赛,荣获1个一等奖2个二等奖3个三等奖. 项目申请人获得了中国工程机器人大赛暨国际公开赛优秀指导老师奖.

ü  第七届全国大学工程训练综合能力大赛广西赛区选拔赛中, 荣获1个三等奖.



ü  2020年第二广西大学人工智能设计大赛,荣获2个一等奖5个二等奖2个三等,且项目申请人获得了广西大学人工智能设计大赛优秀指导老师奖.

ü  2020年第二十二届中国机器人及人工智能大赛,荣获1个二等奖4个三等奖.

ü  2020年中国工程机器人大赛暨国际公开赛,荣获1个一等奖2个二等奖2个三等奖,且项目申请人获得了中国工程机器人大赛暨国际公开赛优秀指导老师奖.




[1] 国家自然科学基金,外国学者研究基金项目,Research on retinal vessel and artery/veins diagnosis system for early retinal disorder detection622504103702023-01 2024.12 40万,主持,在研,国家级。

[2] 国家科技部,外国学者研究基金项目,视网膜疾病检测的视网膜血管和动静脉诊断系统研究WGXZ2023071L2023.1 2024.1220万,主持,在研,国家级。

[3] 国家科技部,外国青年人才计划,早期糖尿病视网膜病变检测和严重程度分级的可扩展深度学习模型研究QN2022033002L2022.1 2023.1230万,主持,结题,国家级。

[4] 广西自然科学基金,青年科学基金项目,高反射亮斑容量对糖尿病视网膜病变筛查和分析的完整框架,21GXNSFBA2200752021.12 2024.118万,主持,在研,省级。

[5] 广西自然科学基金,重点项目(粤桂联合基金项目),结合光纤内窥光学相干层析成像与临床多模态大数据鼻咽癌智能预警与诊断研究,2022GXNSFDA0800072022.7 2026.650万,参与(排名第三),在研,省级。

[6] 国家教育部,产学合作协同育人项目,综合素养导向的人工智能方向研究型教学改章,2020023250640182021.11 2022.25万,参与(排名第二),已结题,国家级。



Google Scholar:



[1] Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Zhixiang Ding, Jifeng Wan, Jiajia Jiang, Shuxue Ding. LTF-NSI: a novel local transfer function based on neighborhood similarity index for medical image enhancement. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 1-14, 2022 (SCI, JCR1, IF:6.700).DOI: 10.1007/s40747-022-00941-0


[2] Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Zhixiang Ding, Jifeng Wan, Shuxue Ding. DPSF: A novel dual-parametric sigmoid function for optical coherence tomography image enhancement. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 60(4), 1111-1121, 2022 (SCI, JCR2, IF:3.079).


[3] Xiaoling Zhou, Zetao Jiang, Idowu Paul Okuwobi. CAFNET: Cross-Attention Fusion Network for Infrared and Low Illumination Visible-Light Image. Neural Process Lett, 2022 (SCI, JCR2, IF:2.565). DOI: 10.1007/s11063-022-11125-9


[4] Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Zhixiang Ding, Jifeng Wan, Shuxue Ding. Artificial intelligence model driven by transfer learning for image-based medical diagnosis. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 43(4), 4601-4612, 2022 (SCI, JCR3, IF:1.737).

[5] Xiaoling Zhou, Zetao Jiang, Idowu Paul Okuwobi. Retinex-MPCNN: A retinex and modified pulse coupled neural network based method for low-illumination visible and infrared image fusion. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 115, 116956, 2023 (SCI, JCR2, IF:3.453).

[6] Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Zexuan Ji, Wen Fan, Songtao Yuan, Loza Bekalo, Qiang Chen. Automated quantification of hyperreflective foci in SD-OCT with diabetic retinopathy. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 24(4), 2020:1125-1136 (SCI, JCR1, IF:7.021)


[7] Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Wen Fan, Chenchen Yu, Songtao Yuan, Qinghuai Liu, Yuhan Zhang, Bekalo Loza, Qiang Chen. Automated segmentation of hyperreflective foci in spectral domain optical coherence tomography with diabetic retinopathy. Journal of Medical Imaging, 5(1), 2018: 014002-014020 (SCI, JCR2, IF:4.109


[8] Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Yifei Shen, Mingchao Li, Wen Fan, Songtao Yuan, Qiang Chen. Hyperreflective foci enhancement in a combined spatial-transform domain for SD-OCT images. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 9(3), 2020: 19-19 (SCI, JCR2, IF:3.283)  


[9] Okuwobi Idowu Paul and Yonghua Lu. Analysis and prediction of electrochemical machining (ECM) workpieces quality using statistical wavelets techniques. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 79(9-12), 2015: 1411-1423 (SCI, JCR3, IF:3.563


[10] Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, Loza Bekalo. Three-dimensional (3D) facial recognition and prediction. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 10(6), 2016: 1151-1158 (SCI, JCR3, IF:2.270)


[11] Loza Bekalo Sappa, Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Mingchao Li, Yuhan Zhang, Sha Xie, Songtao Yuan, Q. Chen. RetFluidNet: Retinal fluid segmentation for SD-OCT images using convolutional neural network. J Digit Imaging, 34, 691–704, 2021. (SCI, JCR2, IF:4.903


[12] Sha Xie, Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Mingchao Li, Yuhan Zhang, Songtao Yuan, Qiang Chen. Fast and automated hyperreflective foci segmentation based on image enhancement and improved 3D u-net in SD-OCT volumes with diabetic retinopathy. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 9(2), 2020: 21-21 (SCI, JCR3, IF:3.283)


[13] Okuwobi Idowu Paul and Yonghua Lu. Image denoising using wavelet thresholding techniques. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(2), 1-5, 2014. (EI)


[14] Okuwobi Idowu Paul and Yonghua Lu. A New approach in digital image compression using unequal error protection (UEP). Applied Mechanics and Materials, 704, 403-407, 2015. (EI)


[15] Okuwobi Idowu Paul and Yonghua Lu. Analysis of image compression performance of wavelet techniques. International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, 5(2), 1-4, 2014. (EI)


[16] Okuwobi Idowu Paul and Yonghua Lu. Sensor signals monitoring and control using wavelets transform representation algorithm. Sixth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2014), 9443, 94432N, 2015. (EI)


[17] Okuwobi Idowu Paul and Yonghua Lu. Facial prediction and recognition using wavelets transform algorithm and technique. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 666, 251-255, 2014. (EI)


[18] Loza Bekalo, Sijie Niu, Xiaojun He, Ping Li, Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Chenchen Yu, Wen Fan, Songtao Yuan, Qiang Chen. Automated 3-D retinal layer segmentation from SD-OCT images with neurosensory retinal detachment, IEEE Access, 7, 14894-14907, 2019. (SCI, JCR2, IF:3.476)


[19] Qiang Chen, Zexuan JI, Tao Wang, Yuzhu Tang, Chenchen Yu, Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Loza Bekalo Sappa. Automatic segmentation of fluid-associated abnormalities and pigment epithelial detachment in retinal SD-OCT images. Proc. MICCAI Retinal OCT Fluid Challenge (RETOUCH), 2017: 15-21 (EI


[20] Ahmad Chaddad, Michael J Kucharczyk, Christian Desrosiers, Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Yousef Katib, Mingli Zhang, Saima Rathore, Paul Sargos, Tamim Niazi. Deep Radiomic Analysis to Predict Gleason Score in Prostate Cancer. IEEE Access, 8, 167767-167778, 2020. (SCI, JCR2, IF:3.476


[21] Ahmad Chaddad, Jiali Li, Qizong Lu, Yujie Li, Okuwobi Idowu Paul, Camel Tanougast, Christian Desrosiers, Tamim Niazi. Can autism be diagnosed with artificial intelligence? A narrative review. Diagnostics, 11, 2032, 2021. (SCI, JCR2, IF:3.992)


[22] Okuwobi Idowu Paul. Modeling and Simulation of Three Dimensionally Braided Composite and Mechanical Properties Analysis Using Finite Element Method (FEM). The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 3(2), 2014: 1-10 (EI

[23] Huadeng Wang, Zizheng Li, Okuwobi Idowu Paul*, Bingbing Li, Xipeng Pan, Zhenbing Liu, Rushi Lan, Xiaolan Luo. PCRTAM-Net: A Novel Pre-activated Convolution Residual and Triple Attention Mechanism Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation, Computational Visual Media Conference, April 6-8, 2023, Shenzhen, China. (CCF C类会议,CVM是亚洲图形学学会(ASIA Graphics Association)旗下三大会议之一,CVM 2023为第11届,论文录用率25%).



周士龙 - 研2

李栋 - 研2

魏立君 - 研1

懂烜 - 研1

覃思源 - 研1


